Sikh Culture
Culture is a physical creation that portrays development as a society. Sikh culture includes art, architecture, film, literature, music, poetry and theatre. Events promoting Sikh culture are popping up around the world.
Since 1984 there has been a systematic effort to destroy Sikh culture:
‘With induction of Darbara Singh as Chief Minister of Punjab in mid-1980, Punjab became a battle ground between him and Union Home Minister, Giani Zail Singh. Not only were they heading contending groups, but also were poles apart. Zail Singh had used Akali weapons to contain them. Darbara Singh denied the very existence of anything like the Sikh culture. He stated, “There was a Sikh culture before. That Sikh culture has now reached the limit. Sikh culture is now dead. . . . Now the Sikh culture has been converted into composite culture. That is what I am doing”.’ — Singh, Sangat (2014) Sikhs in History.
We heed the calling: Saffron Mic will consolidate and strengthen Sikh culture.